Tuesday, April 21, 2009


As if you didn't guess it... the title has multiple meanings.

1. Ouch.

So, I get a text from my little sister that reads "I have some news." Well awesome. Thats just fantastic. Since its more common for bad news to follow that phrase rather than good news, I prepared myself for the Very worst thing that she could've said... but it turned out to be the next most awful scenario that I had dreamed of at the time. She is going to go to a different college than mine next year. I was in tears over the news making it pretty hard for me to be excited for her like a good older sister should be. I already regret that but at the same time I want to convince her that she should completely change her mind and hang out with me for a couple years. I am more thankful than ever for this summer and how we are going to get to spend a lot of it together. It is depressing to think about, but in a sense, college is the beginning of the end when it comes to being close to your family. Yes, i call my parents every day and I talk to my little sister all the time too. But, it is a constant struggle for us to see each other. Three hours isn't exactly a quick trip and thinking about wasting time driving stresses me out. So then college passes by with nothing but phone calls and emails and the occasional trip home. Then what?? Ohh that's right, you go find this crazy thing called a job. Depending on where that takes you, your family may be completely out of reach. Add in the marriage factor and the additional family to split your time seeing and the rift between family and you gets all the more wide. The battle intensifies as everyone's lives speed up and the life you knew is all of a sudden gone in a whirlwind of new life. So if I'm being super dramatic, then ultimately, that is what I am truly sad about. However, being completely hypocritical in the sense that I have a blog where I am writing my dramatic thoughts, I am hardly ever dramatic so really I am just selfish and wish that I could have my little sister around to hang out with me all the time regardless of what she wants/needs/cares about in life. It's not my fault she is like the coolest little sister ever and awesome to be around.

2. Loving you, Loving me

Oh wait, just kidding...

3. Crush Party!

Probably the most outlandish theme for a date party: bring two dates. I think its kind of awful. Now, as if convincing someone to come to a date party with me wasn't hard enough, I now have to find a guy who is willing to awkwardly bring his friend along. And what do I do with one when I am dancing with the other? Aren't all the boys going to be mad about the skewed ratio in the girls favor? What happens if on the off chance my dates start dancing with each other? What if they like it!? The whole thing is completely ridiculous. There is no way I am going to bring two dates. I'm bringing like TEN! HAHA! I woke up yesterday morning without a date and by the end of the night I literally had like seven. I am so pumped. The only issue is where on earth are we going to pregame? My apartment would be perfect since it is close to where we catch the buses and everyone will be around. But, I am still living on campus so I am not supposed to have parties/excessive people in my room. So far, this is the easiest way for us to combine the various groups of boys that my dates are included in. I guess worst case I just end up at like six pregame parties. I've had worse problems :)

Well I'm highly sick of this pessimistical post title and have no more things that I am perpetually mad at right now. I apologize for two thirds of this post being completely and utterly pop-some-pills depressing. On the bright side:

I had a great free food day! Free sausage biscuit for breakfast. Free lunch at the Habitat Build. Free hotdog at the baseball game. Free ice cream day at Ben & Jerry's!

The Greek Week Habitat build was SO FUN! I was planning to go back tomorrow but I am currently wasting my time doing other things and I dont think I can do another early morning -- as in I had to be there at 7:30 AM. The last time I saw the six o'clock hour was Sunday when I stayed out making a fool out of myself. Anywaysss, my roommate and I made white pickett fences for the elementary school across the street from the house we are building. It was like the best fence you have ever seen. My arm is super sore from hammering.

I finally finished my lab report. And it is the last one of the semester. I hope that I do not fail. Whatever, as long as I can just get out of that class!

I just had a realization, I should never take naps during the middle of the day. Or I should just learn to actually need sleep. More on that later. Goodnight.

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