Monday, April 20, 2009

Silence is Golden

Communication is key to any relationship. Friends, enemies, lovers, whatever, they all have to figure out in one way or another how to act according to the how the other person feels. What do you do when the other person simply refuses to address the fact?

Granted, there is a lot to be said for putting yourself out there. Relinquishing your true feelings comes with the fear of rejection and pain of regret. And if this sounds brutal to you then there is a good chance that you have never been turned down or been in a difficult relationship or cared deeply about someone who felt the need to constantly hurt you. Lucky you. As for the rest of you, how on earth did you survive. I feel like a gas tank with the light on, completely empty. I poured my heart out all to find that I was nothing more than an object. An obstacle. A goal. One, might I add, that he has still not quite reached. Still, it was something that I never saw coming. However, those who know the situtation would probably regard that as my first mistake because there was a last time...

Last time... when we yelled and embarrassed each other. Last time when he caught me doing nothing wrong. Last time when I called him out on it all. Last time when he left me to walk home alone. Last time... we didn't talk after for six months.

Since this time was the same as last time, my guess is I will be writing this same note again as soon as we silence out our difficulties. Will we ever figure it out? Someday says Dave. But who knows? Returned ignorance could mean bliss.

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